



  1. What can you tell me about yourself? (你能谈谈你自己吗?)

  2. Can you give us a brief introduction about yourself? (你能给我们做一个简短的自我介绍吗?)

  3. Why did you choose our university? (你为什么选择报考我们大学?)

  4. What do you know about our university? (你对我们学校了解多少?)

  5. Can you tell me about your university? (你能谈谈你自己的大学吗?)

  6. Why did you choose your postgraduate major? (你为什么报考这个专业?)

  7. What do you know about your major? (你对你所报专业了解多少?)

  8. Why do you want to change your major? (为什么要跨专业?)

  9. Why do you love your major? (为什么喜欢你的专业?)

  10. Why do you fit your major? (为什么你适合这个专业?)

  11. Do you have a plan if you become a postgraduate? (如果成为一名研究生,你有什么计划吗?)

  12. What will you do during postgraduate period? (研究生期间你有什么计划吗?)

  13. What would you like to be doing after graduation? (在毕业以后你想做些什么?)

  14. What will you do after graduation? (在毕业以后你想做些什么?)

  15. Do you have a plan about future? (未来你有什么计划?)

  16. What have you learned from the jobs you have held? (你从以往所从事的工作中学到了哪些东西?)

  17. What are your career's strengths and how do you capitalize on them? (你工作的优势是什么?你如何利用这些优势的?)

  18. What has been your greatest accomplishment? (你曾取得的最大成就是什么?)

  19. How do you feel about your progress hitherto? (对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看?)

  20. If you failed this time what will you do in the near future? (如果你失败了, 你未来打算做什么?)

  21. Describe your greatest strength and weakness. (请描述一下你最大的优点和缺点?)

  22. What is your greatest strength/weakness? (你最突出的优点/缺点是什么?)
